
December 2020 blog


December 2020 news

Aotearoa- Tai Tokerau News

As part of an iwi settlement, the Kaipara Harbour in Northland is planned to be cleaned up over the next decade.  To put this into context, the Kaipara Harbour is the largest in the Southern Hemisphere – at high tide the harbour covers 947 sq km and has more than 3,000 km of shoreline.

The NZ government is making $100 million available to achieve this rejuvenation. The Northland Regional Council is driving this initiative for regional government with local stakeholder groups. For more details see NZH from 7. July 2020.

The government expects up to 2,000 new blue jobs to be created over the next six years for the region.

On 2. Dec 2020 the NZ Government declared a Climate Change Emergency. The government is aiming to be Carbon Zero by 2025 and the whole of NZ by 2030. AWATEA’s vision is to have 10% of electricity produced by marine energy by 2030 to support this bold vision for Aotearoa. 

Global News

In the Faroer Islands Sweden’s Minesto Energy has launched an amazing tidal kite which generates 100kW into the local grid. Watch this cool video.

Minesto is an EU funded marine engineering company from Gothenberg in South Sweden. They have about 50 staff.  Here is a summary of their interesting business model and phased market entry model. We hope to hear more from global marine energy innovators…


Source: CNBC, Minesto (2020)